Questions tagged [editing]

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How to roll-back a recent edit?

After mistaking two similar characters, I made an inappropriate change to genesis - What is the significance of the insertion of the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet into the names of Abraham and ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
4 votes
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Asking acceptable questions

Good day all. Can anyone instruct me about what constitutes an acceptable question? Allow me to illustrate the problem below: Heading "How are we to understand evil?" Body Scripture is ...
Xeno's user avatar
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Impossible to edit in responsive design mode

When editing a Late Answer review in responsive design on my Android using Chrome As you can see, it's pretty much uneditable using portrait mode. Then, after testing to edit the question without ...
Tiago Martins Peres's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is this question Too Broad?

I would like to improve this question so that it can be re-opened and hopefully receive some answers. Unfortunately the close voters did not indicate in their comments why the question was too broad. ...
Patrick Parker's user avatar
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Feature Inquiry: Recommending a Change to the Author, not Peer Review

After a point contributors with enough reputation can modify a question through peer review (or even directly). However is it possible to recommend the change directly to the author and wait for ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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External Tools to Edit Questions and Answers

Question: What external tools are there to edit your own Questions and Answers To minimize the number of edits submitted to the site, are there any plugins, practices, or other ways to minimize the ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I edit my own answer in a way that changes its meaning?

This site appears to have a consensus about guidelines for editing others' answers: "Edits are to improve and fix posts, not to change them." But there's an answer to an old question that I want to ...
Bruce Alderman's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is editing out theology the thrust of the site's new direction?

Recently an answer was edited with only a revision history of "per". The link is to the top-voted answer to What kind of site do we ultimately ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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2 answers

How should we deal with "novice" questions during the beta?

As mentioned in various places including another meta question, it is very important during the site's beta (especially the private beta) to focus on questions that are expert-level, specific, and ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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